|2 June, 2023

Skin Concern: Sun Damage – 4 reasons why winter is the best time to tackle sun damaged skin

It’s cold outside, you’re rugged up in your warmest winter woolies and have your favourite Netflix season queued up.

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As you settle into the cooler months, and summer memories fade like your bronzed glowing tan – treating sun damaged skin may not be the first thing that crosses your mind. But it should be. Winter is actually the best time to take action and treat sun damaged skin with a range of proven treatments.

What is sun damaged skin?

One of the main functions of the skin is to protect the body from damage through exposure to UV (Ultraviolet) radiation from the sun. Unfortunately though, with regular time in the sun and prolonged exposure to UV radiation, over time the skin can become noticeably damaged.

Changes to the skin include fine and coarse wrinkles, roughness, freckles and pigmentation, which is an uneven increase in melanin production that results in skin discolouration and the appearance of freckles.

Sun damage can also cause a permanent stretching of small blood vessels, giving your skin a mottled, reddish appearance.

But before you hit the panic button and vow to never leave the house again, there are a range of skin-saving treatments available.

Don’t forget your SPF! Even in winter when the sun is less intense.

How do you treat sun-damaged skin?

The most popular treatments for sun damaged skin include Dermal Treatments like Micro Dermabrasion, Medical Grade and Cosmelan Mask Peels and Micro-Needling. These treat the skin by exfoliating dead skin cells, improving skin tone and texture and stimulating collagen.

Other more targeted treatments like FRAXEL laser are designed to directly treat skin conditions caused by sun damage by using medical-grade laser technology to safely treat visible blood vessels, redness or pigmentation, as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

Anti-aging treatments such as Radio Frequency Rejuvenation and Laser Carbon Facials are also beneficial as they stimulate collagen production for firmer and plumper skin, which can improve scarring and wrinkling.

When is the best time to treat sun-damaged skin?

Now! While anytime is the right time to start treating sun damaged skin, those extra woolen layers definitely come in handy when you need to stay out of the sun. Here are the 4 top reasons why the cooler months are the perfect time to start your skin healing journey.

  1. Reduced sun exposure:

    With shorter days and longer nights, it’s easier to avoid sun exposure while your skin heals from treatments.

  2. Layered clothing:

    Winter clothing provides extra protection against sun exposure and also helps to protect treated areas – don’t forget your SPF though! Even in winter when the sun is less intense.

  3. More effective treatments:

    Some skin treatments, like chemical peels or laser therapy, work best on skin that hasn’t been recently exposed to the sun.

  4. More time for recovery:

    Winter breaks and slower social calendars provide more opportunities for downtime and recovery after treatments.

Ready to repair your sun damaged skin?

Start comparing the best Sun Damage Treatments near you, from some of Australia’s most trusted providers.